ACC Fest 2018-19

Job Fair (2019)

Inside Adulting 101 at ACC Eastview

Adulting 101 (2020)

Student Driven Projects

blACCk Student Success Committee / Austin Community Corps of Engineers / Catch The Next

  • I was able to connect with about 50 students who left me there contact information who were interested in my “Intramurals” program. Many of them were interested in the field! Also, I noticed many families attended with little ones who might someday be future Riverbats. It was the best event I had been to tabling where I met so many students and received so many contacts that want further information about the “Intramurals” program.

    Mr. Tracy Partin, Adjunct - Health & Kinesiology

  • “I had fun working at the social media booth at the ACC Job Fair today! Worked to get attendees to take pics, but when we had a break, we took pics to encourage others to want to do it & to create fun memories from today! 1200 pre-registered for the job fair and we had 200+ onsite registrations! Such a well run & awesome day! Excellent event!

    Christina M.

  • The #ACCJobFair last week was a HUGE success! We had a record-breaking crowd with over 1.7k student registrations and 141 employers offering 3,000+ jobs and internships! A BIG thank you to our career services team and everyone who came out.

    Jessica V.

  • You did an amazing job leading the student volunteers. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to this event.

    Trish Welch